Sunday, March 27, 2011


Omi is doing great without his oxygen!
I think he's pretty much done with it. One less thing for him to worry about.

He is however having really bad reflux problems. Poor kid, if he's not sitting up or leaning forward, it's almost guaranteed he's going to cry. It makes bedtime interesting anyway. 

He will also be doing the March of Dimes walk on May 1st. Omi is grateful for what the organization does, and wants to give back a little to help some other babies. 
Donations are appreciated and go to a good cause.

Omi will soon be selling some pretty pimp merch on his facebook page, with the proceeds going to the March of Dimes. More details soon. 
If you are interested in walking with him or want to take donations on his behalf, contact us through his page.
In the meantime, feel free to stop by and say hi.

Okay, enough with the pledge drive, picture time!...........

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Doctor's appointment
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Doctor's appointment
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Doctor's appointment
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.
Eat, sleep, poop cry. Eat, sleep, poop cry.

That's about it lately. Omi is good. 

His last several Doctor's appointments have all went really well. He's up to 11.5lbs now! He had a follow up Tuesday, and we discussed maybe changing his food a bit cause he's been gaining so much weight. You can tell by the pics that most of it seems to be hanging out in his cheeks.
He's still behind compared to normal kids, but for a preemie, he's at the top of the curve.

He had another follow up for his eye surgery last week and they determined that he no longer needs to be checked to see if it was going to come back. Awesome news. So, in a couple weeks, we have to take him to get checked to see if he needs glasses. (Don't worry kid, if you do we will get you some cool ones.)

We're going to start weaning his oxygen today. So if he does well, he will be on room air most of the time without the cannula up his nose. He has become very fond of ripping it out every chance he gets. Hopefully, in about two weeks he will be off the oxygen and the monitor. Yay!

I'll just post some pics now....... 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!