Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Well, it's decided; Omi will have another hernia surgery. Same problem as last time, different place. It's actually a better place than last time, and seems like it will be a little easier to get to and fix.

We took him for an ultrasound and even I could tell as soon as I saw it on the screen.
It's the most common surgery for infants, and I'm sure he'll be fine.  

The same surgeon that did his last one will be doing this one too. Nice guy, we liked him and he did a good job.
I will say I'm not the biggest fan of putting him under again, but it has to be done. 

He's not in any pain, which is good. If that changes, he starts running a fever or becomes more swollen, then he might have surgery a bit sooner. We just have to watch him pretty close for the next week or so.

Anyway, we go to meet with the surgery team at Children's Mercy next Tuesday to discuss the when and how, and I'm pretty sure surgery will be within a few days of that. So, he gets a few days to relax before his next badass scar.

It's kind of gross cause you can hear it when he moves around. It sounds like someone playing with a wet bendy straw. Yuck.

Keep your fingers crossed and I'll post when we know more.


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