Tuesday, November 9, 2010


On Sunday Omi was doing pretty good. Seemed normal and they had increased his feedings.
Monday, Omi's oxygen settings on his vent were getting pretty high. His x-rays weren't great, and showed a little too much fluid in and around his lungs. Other than that, things again looked pretty normal. Aside from some crankiness.

Today, Omi decided to pull the cap on some drama.
This morning, he went all the way up to 100% oxygen on his vent. He was unstable enough on the vent for them to switch him back to the super vent. (high frequency oscillator) He leveled off, but his oxygen settings have been really high. The lowest today was about 68%. We would like for it to be about 30-40%.

His blood gas tests weren't very good, his lung x-ray showed lots of haze, he got a transfusion, platelets added to his blood and lasicx (water-pill) were injected for the fluid building up in his lungs. 
His x-ray also showed that the PDA valve behind his heart was opening back up instead of closing. So, they gave him another round of indomethacin to try and close the valve. 
Though we won't know for sure until tomorrow, it doesn't seem to be working.
Busy day for Omi.

If the PDA valve closes from the medication, great. But, they went ahead and scheduled him for surgery on Thursday, as it seems likely that it's not going to close.
If they operate, they will make a small incision along his side, spread his ribs, partially deflate and move his lung and clamp the valve shut.
It is believed that part of the reason he's having such a hard time breathing is that there is fluid back-flowing into his lungs as a result of this valve still being open.
I guess the tough part is the next 48 hours. There are some babies that cruise right along like nothing happened, but they have told us that most have a pretty rough go for the next couple days. Big spikes in blood pressure, breathing abnormalities, heart fluctuations and, would you believe; they get a little cranky.

As you can imagine, we're a little nervous. We would like to think that tomorrow everything will be okay, but realistically, it looks like Omi is going to get his first badass scar on Thursday.

Even though he was a little irritable when we saw him tonight, his nurse did manage to catch him being cute......

 Yes, he's totally sucking his thumb even with his breathing tube in.


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