Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Omi decided this morning: Surgery? Mmmmm, no thanks. Go ahead and cancel that.

I guess he figured out something was going on and chose to get better today. His vent and oxygen settings improved, the blood gasses looked better, x-rays showed his lungs began to clear up, his PDA valve is closing again and he seems to be okay.

One of his main doctors came in and said you could have knocked her over with a feather when she saw how drastically he had changed from yesterday.

I had even signed off on a new arterial catheter for him today thinking it would be needed to make the surgery easier. We're glad he started getting better before they put that in.

It's just strange how these little guys bounce back and forth so quickly. 

Surgery is not entirely off the table until the valve closes completely, and he still has two more rounds of medication to go, but at least things are moving in the right direction again.

We just need to get him off the meds and eating again now.

He seemed to be in a much better mood tonight, and felt well enough to kick my hand for a while. Good times.

In general, the kid has been keeping us up at night, but not tonight.


1 comment:

  1. hey Bro...just wanted to let you know I git the prayer network workin! Some feedback:You recently submitted a prayer request at The Great Commission MinistryI was wondering how things are going for the baby? Could you give us
    a update?We have been praying for baby Omi and his parents...Love and Blessings, Pastor Shirley

    I will direct her to your blog.
