Up and down, up and down.
They had to stop his feedings a couple days ago when his blood pressure dropped and he was put on dopamine and some medication. That evened out, so they started feeding him again two days ago. So far so good on the feedings.
They consider him a nutritional emergency at this point since he hasn't been able to eat on a consistent basis. It's turned into priority number one now.
So, they put him on hydrocortisone so that they can treat him for a couple issues, and he can eat while he's on it. The immediate side effect; roid rage. So he's been really irritable lately. Yep, Omi is pissed and strong.
He was getting all his nutritional needs covered by an I.V. and has been gaining weight with it. (he's up to 3lbs, 12oz.!) The problem is, when he has had that much of his feeding through an I.V., it begins to create problems with his liver. Feeding him should fix it, so that's what they are doing.
His skin started peeling the other day. Everyone seems to think that it's from how swollen he was after surgery, but they have been running a barrage of tests just to make sure it's not an infection or anything else. So far, all his tests are negative. He looks like he spent too much time in the sun.
They're running a huge amount of tests on him right now. Most of them are complicated and not a lot of fun to try and verbalize, so I'm just going to say that they're doing a bunch of science-y stuff to keep a close watch on him. They're essentially testing him for a bunch of things to rule out problems, and get a jump on anything they would want to treat him for before symptoms show up. Heading things off at the pass.
He is also getting his first vision test today, which I'm sure will piss him off to no end.
I know the posts have become less frequent lately. It's tiring for us to keep up with everything. There doesn't seem to be enough time in the day to do everything. We wake up, go to work, go to the hospital, go to bed. Every few days, we do some laundry. Most of the time we're waiting on a test or everyone is watching him, seeing what he's going to do next and what he does determines his treatments. Things move slowly for the most part. I'm not complaining though. We're seeing results. It's all worthwhile.
Those pics are awesome! Go OMInator!