Monday, December 20, 2010


Things just keep getting better.

Omi has continued his upswing. He had been having problems with his liver, but it's been working out with the help of the meds he's on. 
His feedings have continued to go well. He's almost 5 lbs now. Getting big.

He does have an issue with his eyes that is going to be rechecked this week. He has what they call ROP. Broken down, there are ridges in each eye that are preventing his vessels from growing all the way out to the edges of his eyes. They expect this from babies that have been on oxygen as long as he has been. Not a huge deal, but he might have to have laser surgery if the problem does not go away on it's own. The risk of the surgery would be loss of some peripheral vision and/or nearsightedness. Better than blind in my book though. We'll just have to wait and see what his next test says.

His respiratory issues continue to get better every day. His oxygen needs and rate of breathing have both dropped considerably over the last week or so. The plan is for him to finally have his tube taken out this week. Huge step for him. When that happens, he will have to go on what they call c-pap, which is basically tubes up his nose. I'm sure he won't like it much, but it beats a tube in his throat. And as an added bonus; he will get to suck on his fingers without a bunch of obstructions.

Things are pretty uninteresting right now. Mostly a bunch of lab work and watching his growth rate. After the tube comes out, we will pretty much be waiting around for him to get big and strong enough to leave. I think we're entering the home stretch.